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Price of aluminum productsUnit:Yuan per ton

Name of product Explain Taday Yesterday UP or DN Date Chart Historical
  • Extruded preform Yes 23570 23900 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Spray Yes 23790 24120 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Non standard spraying Yes 23570 23900 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • White electrophoresis, champagne electrophoresis Yes 25480 25810 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Oxidation Yes 24420 24750 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Golden yellow electrophoresis Yes 26330 26660 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Red copper electrophoresis Yes 27180 27510 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Black pearl Yes 27180 27510 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Sprayed wood grain Yes 26750 27080 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • Crystal swimming wood grain Yes 28980 29310 -330 2024-11-13 Historical
  • High gloss wood grain Yes 27180 27510 -330 2024-11-13 Historical